지능형 VMS와 PSIM 소프트웨어의 세계적 선도 개발 기업
구매 문의

SITES Sicherheitstechnik Schwerdtner

주소 : Sankt-Gallen-Ring 245, 90431 Nürnberg
전화 : +49 (0) 911 600 76 777
웹 : www.sites-alarm.de/

Specialist for wireless and wired security systems with over 20 years of experience in the planning, assembly, repair and maintenance of alarm, video and access control systems, as well as many other security-related systems. The company offers personal, individual and trustworthy customer service with short decision-making processes. The sense of security and the satisfaction of customers is the highest claim, so the company lives their motto "WE SECURE WHAT IS IMPORTANT TO YOU" with full conviction for the customers.